Posted: 08/18/2020
Wednesday, August 19th
4:30 pm
Virtual Meeting Hosted at Norman Regional Hospital 901
N. Porter Ave.
Public Viewing/Broadcast: 1st Floor Education Center
I. Call to Order ... Mr. Cubberley
II. Proposed Executive Session
A. Proposed Vote to Convene into Executive Session Pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. § 307.B.3 to Discuss the Purchase or Appraisal of Real Property
ACTION NEEDED: Move to Convene into Executive Session to Discuss the Above Referenced Purchase or Appraisal of Real Property
ACTION TAKEN: ____________________________________
B. Request to Adjourn Out of Executive Session and Return to Regular Session
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove Adjournment of Executive Session and Return to Regular Session
ACTION TAKEN: ____________________________________
III. Proposed Vote to Approve or Disapprove the Purchase or Appraisal of Real Property
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove the Purchase or Appraisal of Real Property
ACTION TAKEN: ____________________________________
IV. Proposed Vote to Approve or Disapprove the Resolution Regarding the Purchase or Appraisal of Real Property Needed to Advance the Proposed Porter Health Village
ACTION NEEDED: Approve or Disapprove the Resolution Regarding the Purchase or Appraisal of Real Property Needed to Advance the Proposed Porter Health Village
ACTION TAKEN: ____________________________________
V. Adjourn
ACTION EEDED: Motion to Adjourn the Meeting
ACTION TAKEN: ______________________________________
MISSION: To serve our community as the leader in health and wellness care.
VISION: To be the provider of choice to improve the health and well-being of our regional communities.