Pay Your Bill

Understanding Insurance and Paying Your Bill

At Norman Regional, we are proud to offer patients easy, time-saving ways to pay their bills. One convenient way to pay your bill is with online bill pay. You can pay online with a credit card 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our site is secure and both your credit card information and patient health information are protected. Click “Pay Online” to find out more.

*Please keep in mind that you can only pay your hospital bill through this website. Unless noted on your hospital bill, physician or lab charges are not able to be processed through this website.

If you have trouble with your account number please call 405-217-3106 to pay by phone.

Pay Online

To pre-register click here.

Norman Regional Health System is proud to offer patients easy, time-saving ways to pay their bills.

  • Online. Pay online with a credit card 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our site is secure, and both your credit card information and patient information are protected. Please keep in mind that you can only pay your hospital bill through this website. Unless noted on your hospital bill, physician or lab charges are not able to be processed through this website.
  • By mail. Mail your bill with enclosed check or credit card information to: Norman Regional Hospital Authority P.O. Box 268961 Oklahoma City, OK 73126
  • In person. Pay your bill in person in the cashier's office with credit card, cash or check. The cashier's office is located inside the main entrance of Norman Regional Hospital.

If you have any questions about your hospital bill or the online bill pay service, please call Norman Regional’s Patient Financial Services Department at 405-217-3106.

Additional Billing

Sooner Anesthesia - For billing please call 405-701-3419

In addition to your hospital bill, you may receive a bill from any of the following contracted physician services that provided care:

Norman Regional Radiology Associates

  • Imaging procedures such as X-ray, MRI, CT scan and ultrasound
  • For billing questions call: 1-800-841-4236

Note: Your primary care physician and other specialists may also bill you for their services. For questions, call the number printed on these individual bills.

Health Services Financing

Norman Regional Health Service Financing

Sometimes it’s an untimely accident. Sometimes it’s specialized treatment. Whatever the case, stressing about medical bills is the last thing you need.

Norman Regional Health System is working with Commerce Bank to offer patients Health Services Financing (HSF®). By aligning our financial services with the HSF® program, we can focus more on your healthcare and healing and let Commerce handle options for an extended payment arrangement.

  • 0% APR*
  • *There are no set-up, enrollment or prepayment fees, but you may be charged a $15.00 late payment fee if a payment is received after the due date
  • No credit check required
  • Finance multiple transactions on one open line of credit
  • Consolidate charges to a single statement
  • Account easily accessible online
  • Dedicated customer service

Term Options

Range | Term
$250 - $3,999 | 24 mos.
$4,000 - $6,999 | 36 mos.
$7,000 - $14,999 | 60 mos.
$15,000 - $50,000 | 84 mos.

Self-enroll for Commerce Bank Patient Financing (HSF)

Commerce Bank is a financial partner with more than 150 years in the banking industry. More than 350 hospitals from across the United States have chosen Commerce.

How Health Service Financing (HSF®) Works

Joining the patient financing program is easy and requires just a few simple steps. Here’s how it works:

  • Contact Norman Regional Health System at 405-217-3106 to enroll today or click the "Enroll Now" button.
  • Commerce Bank will provide you with a line of credit, consolidated into one monthly payment.
  • You can make single monthly payments online, by phone or by mail, or set up recurring payments.
Commerce Bank

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We know insurance coverage can be confusing so we’ve developed this summary to explain our billing process.

If you have any questions about your hospital bill or the online bill pay service, please call Norman Regional’s Patient Financial Services Department at 405-217-3106.

Q. Who is responsible for paying my hospital bill?
A. Unless you specify otherwise, Norman Regional will bill your insurance company or Medicare/Medicaid directly. Later, Patient Financial Services (PFS) will follow up with the claim’s payment status. If a balance remains after your insurance has issued either a payment or a denial, you will be informed in writing of your responsibilities for payment. See a list of insurance providers accepted by Norman Regional. Contact PFS at 405-217-3106 if you have any questions or concerns.

Q. What if I don’t have insurance?
A. Patients who do not carry health insurance are considered self-pay accounts. We offer substantial discounts to our self-pay patients. Please contact Patient Financial Services at 405-217-3106 with any questions or for payment arrangements.

Q. What is a deductible?
A. A deductible is the fixed dollar amount you must pay toward healthcare costs over the course of a benefit period (usually a year) before your insurance provider begins reimbursement. For example, if your deductible is $1,000 and you spend that much in eligible out of pocket expenses, you have “reached your deductible,” and your insurance will start covering a larger percentage of the costs until the end of the benefit plan year. Depending on your insurance and reasons for your visit (i.e., inpatient, emergency room and surgery), the deductible amount may be required at the time of service.

Q. What is a copay?
A. A copay or copayment is a small flat fee you are responsible for paying for a particular medical service. For example, you may have a $30 co-payment for each doctor’s visit as part of your health insurance. You are responsible for paying the copayment at the time of service.

Q. What is coinsurance?
A. Coinsurance is the percentage of costs of a covered healthcare service you pay (20%, for example) after you have paid your deductible. For example, if your health insurance plan's allowed amount for an office visit is $100 and your coinsurance is 20%, your expenses would be as follows.

  • If you have paid your deductible, you pay 20% of $100, or $20. The insurance company pays the rest.
  • If you have not paid any of your deductible, you pay the full allowed amount, $100.

Coinsurance may be collected at the time of service.

Q. I received additional bills. What are these?
A. In addition to your bill from Norman Regional Health System, you may receive bills from independent practitioners who provided services to you at our facilities, such as a radiologist or an anesthesiologist. Please contact the physician’s office directly for questions or concerns.

Q. My insurance didn’t pay. Why is that?
A. Contact your insurance provider for this information.

Q. I need help. Is there someone I can call at Norman Regional Health System?
A. Our customer service representatives are here to help you 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Phone: 405-217-3106.

Q. What about my privacy?
A. Norman Regional will never release medical information in an email. Our site is secure and your credit card information is safe.

Please note: If your insurance company assigns you a deductible, co-pay or co-insurance and the dollar amount is not collected at the time of service, you will be billed at a later date.