RESOLVE: Personal Training

A personal trainer may be the strategy that we need to keep us on our journey to becoming a healthier and better version of our current selves. You may be starting out new, fighting to get beyond a plateau, or simply looking for a change in routine. People of all sizes can benefit from a personal trainer. For instance, one of the more common reasons to seek out a personal trainer is to help lose weight. You want to fit into a smaller size. On the other hand, a thin individual may be looking for help improving core strength by building muscle and improving bone density. Personal trainers can focus on cardio endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility body composition, or a combination of those components.

Some benefits of using a personal trainer are as follows.

  • Personalized Attention: According to Chat Williams NSCA-CPT, CSPS, a supervisor and a nationally certified strength and conditioning specialist, ‘It is very important to learn about my clients’ fitness goals and the methods in which they want to achieve those goals. I can create a top-notch training program but it won’t be most beneficial if it includes activities they dislike or fails to focus on their desired fitness components. A customized program that incorporates their personal goals will lead clients to success.’ A personal trainer will make it all about you. You deserve to come first!
  • Accountable and Motivated: A personal trainer will keep you accountable. They encourage you to push through and complete the workouts. They believe in you even when you personally have some doubts. There are some days that you just don’t want to work out but knowing you have a paid commitment will keep you on track. Trainers have no judgment; they provide unending support and encouragement.
  • Maximize the burn: when you walk endlessly between equipment or spend time deciding what routine to follow next, you don’t receive a good return on investment for your time. A personal trainer will create a routine that will maximize the benefits. Whether you want to burn the most calories, allow for the most repetitions, or simply enable you to get the most out of your workout, a personal trainer is your answer.
  • Safety First: In order to continue along our journey to become a healthier and better you, it is important to avoid injuries. A knowledgeable trainer will teach you the proper technique. In addition, they will help you with posture adjustments to ensure your knees and back are properly aligned. Creating a program that is appropriately paced with also keep you in the game and off the injured reserve list.

At The Health Club, which is owned and operated by Norman Regional Health System, there is a dedicated team of personal trainers who have gone above and beyond. They are degreed or advanced fitness professionals including nationally certified personal trainers, certified special population, and certified strength and conditioning specialists. This is what sets The Health Club apart from other facilities. They will be glad to answer any of your questions about various exercises and proper techniques. Personal training sessions can be scheduled to create a customized program specifically designed for you.

To find out more information about The Health Club, simply call 405-329-5050. You can also stop by for a quick visit or take a tour at 3720 W. Robinson St. The main entrance is located at the back of Brookhaven Shopping Center. Walk under the green awning and meet the team that is ready to help you resolve to become a healthier and better you!