Wear a Facemask

Wear a Facemask

For your safety and ours, please bring a facemask or face covering with you when you enter a Norman Regional (NRHS) location. Masks, scarves, bandanas, or other facial coverings are all good options to wear to our facilities.

Throughout this pandemic, NRHS has been following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for appropriate mask protocol. Those guidelines state cloth masks or face coverings should be worn in public settings where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain including those within the hospital and clinic settings. To protect our patients and healers, masks must be worn inside Norman Regional facilities including waiting rooms.

Hospital and clinic patients are being asked to bring their own face coverings when seeking care at our facilities. Conserving personal protective equipment or PPE is still a priority.

Other safety measures we are taking include continued restriction of visitors for hospitalized patients, reducing the number of patients in our waiting rooms, and adding visual markers to demonstrate social distancing requirements.

Masks are not required for the following people:

  • Those with respiratory issues such as COPD who cannot tolerate wearing a mask
  • Children under 2 years old

Donate a Mask

Our Foundation is also accepting donations of cloth masks to be distributed to our patients and healers. To donate, please call 405-307-1077