March of Dimes: Heroes in Action Nurse of the Year 2023 Nominations

March of Dimes: Heroes in Action Nurse of the Year 2023 Nominations

Nurses make a profound impact on patients' lives, demonstrating compassion and dedication on a daily basis. It’s time to recognize and honor these exceptional healers who go above and beyond in their commitment to healthcare with the March of the Dimes Nurse of the Year 2023!

The March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Award is a recognition that celebrates nurses and their unwavering commitment to their patients and the healthcare community. This award is an opportunity to recognize the nurses who have made a difference in our lives.

What is March of Dimes?

March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization committed to ending preventable maternal health risks and death, ending preventable preterm birth and infant death and closing the health equity gap for all families. Their mission is to lead the fight for the health of all moms and babies, all while ending preventable preterm birth and infant death and closing the health equity gap. The March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Award celebrates nurses and maternal-infant health providers with an evening of healthcare provider recognition.

The Importance of Recognizing Our Nurses

Nursing is a profession that requires a combination of clinical expertise, compassion, and dedication. Our nurses work tirelessly to ensure the well-being of our patients and go the extra mile to provide the most exceptional care.

By recognizing extraordinary nurses, we are able to honor those who make a difference in the lives of so many. By nominating a nurse, you are expressing gratitude and appreciation for the exceptional care that they give.

If there is a nurse that has made a difference in your life, whether it was during a challenging time or continuing support, nominating them for this award is an opportunity to let them know how much they are valued. This award also creates a culture of continuous improvement, motivating nurses to provide the best possible care to their patients.

Healers That Have Been Honored

Norman Regional Health System had three finalists for the 2022 Heroes in Action awards and the 2022 Lifetime Achievement winner. Amy Hawley was a finalist in the Innovation category, Ashley Irons was a finalist in the Critical Care category, Caitlin Gregg was a finalist in the Rising Star category and Rhonda Rogers was the 2022 Lifetime Achievement recipient.

march of dimes

Amy Hawley, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, is a nursing supervisor at Norman Regional Health System. Hawley has worked at Norman Regional for 15 years, starting as a Nursing Extern in GYN Surgery, then joining the Labor and Delivery team two years later as a Registered Nurse. She has been married to her husband for 14 years and has three children. Amy Hawley was a finalist in the Innovation category.

Ashley Irons, CVICU RN, has worked for 13 years as a registered nurse at Norman Regional. She received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Oklahoma in 2005 and a BSN from the University of Oklahoma accelerated program in 2009. She has been married for 14 years and has two children, as well as being a guardian of her nephew. Irons was a finalist in the Critical Care category.

Caitlin Gregg, RN, has been at Norman Regional for one year. She received her ADN from Oklahoma City Community College and her BSN from the University of Central Oklahoma. She loves traveling and has a dog named Dixie! Caitlin Gregg was a finalist in the Rising Star category.

Rhonda Rogers graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 1979 and has been a nurse for 43 years. She came to Norman Regional in 1985 and has been a frontline healer at the bedside in the ICU since day one. While she could have retired three years ago, she decided to continue working through the COVID pandemic and remained steadfast in her care. Rogers was the 2022 Lifetime Achievement recipient.

Nurses bridge the gap between medical expertise and patient care, while not only administering treatments and medication but also providing emotional support and advocacy. By recognizing nurses through this award, we can show our nurses how much we appreciate them and everything that they do for healthcare.

How Can I Nominate?

The process is simple! If you know a nurse who embodies the qualities of an exceptional providerheroes in action logo now is the time to give them the recognition that they deserve! Visit the March of Dimes Heroes in Action website to submit your nomination and share the story of how this nurse has made a lasting impact. Highlight their dedication, expertise, and any other important qualities when making your nomination.

Nominations must be submitted by Monday, July 31, 2023. After the nomination is submitted, your nominee will receive a congratulatory phone call or email, a copy of your nomination and an application to become a finalist. To be included in the winner selection process, your nominee is required to complete the application form.

A selection committee comprised of healthcare professionals around Oklahoma will then carefully review all applications, which will be blinded for anonymity. The Nurse of the Year – Heroes in Action Award Gala will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2 at the Riverwind Casino. This event honors the exceptional providers who have been nominated, while also raising money for the mission of March of Dimes.

Make your favorite nurses’ day by giving them a nomination!