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Norman Regional Doctor Awarded New Title

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Norman Regional Doctor Awarded New Title

Norman Regional Healer Recognized as Distinguished Family Physicians Fellow

Raghuveer Vedala, MD, FAAFP, a board-certified family medicine physician practicing at Norman Regional’s Primary Care – South OKC clinic, was selected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians (FAAFP).

Physicians are recognized for the peer-reviewed credential for standing out as champions of family medicine. According to the FAAFP, “they are physicians who make family medicine the premiere specialty in service to their community and profession.”

This prestigious title is a testament to Dr. Vedala's dedication to the field of family medicine and his commitment to providing high-quality, comprehensive care to his patients.

As a FAAFP, Dr. Vedala demonstrated his full scope expertise of family medicine, including preventative care, acute and chronic illness management and the care for patients of all ages. He also established his strong commitment to ongoing professional development and leadership within the healthcare industry.

Raghuveer Vedala

“I think being a family physician gives me a unique opportunity to blend all of passions. I love teaching and working with students. I love advocating for my patients’ and my community’s health – whether that’s through my practice, my writing, social media, or other platforms,” Dr. Vedala said. “I absolutely love learning. Medicine is an ever changing field and there’s always something new to learn, something you don’t know and I think that’s fascinating! I believe being able to care for patients of all ages and incorporating teaching into that practice with students from all kinds of backgrounds brings a positive energy to my day. It creates the perfect atmosphere – between myself, my patients, and my students – to promote continued learning, positive change, and overall well-being,” Vedala said.

Dr. Vedala received his medical degree from the University Of Oklahoma College Of Medicine and finished his residency at Wesley Family Medicine in Wichita, Kansas. Dr. Vedala chose to pursue family medicine for the opportunity to build relationships with his patients and provide a wide variety of care.
He has been practicing family medicine for more than five years, and is highly regarded by his peers and patients alike for his compassionate and skilled care.

“This FAAFP designation is a testament to Dr. Vedala's dedication to excellence in the field of family medicine, and we’re honored to have him as a member of our team to better serve the community,” Temo Ibarra, Interim Director of Operations for Primary Care said.

The AAFP is a professional medical society that represents family physicians, residents and medical students in the United States. It's focused on advancing the specialty of family medicine and promoting the principles of primary care, including accessibility, continuity, comprehensiveness and patient-centered care. For more information about Dr. Raghuveer Vedala and his specialist interests, visit his physician profile on Norman Regional’s website.