Request Medical Records

Patient Medical Records Request Form

The privacy and confidentiality of our patient’s personal health information is very important to us at Norman Regional. To ensure no barriers to access your medical records we have several options for you to request your records.

  • To request your records electronically Click Here (Please follow outlined instructions)
  • Download the Medical Records Request Form, complete entirely, sign and fax to 405-307-1360
    (You will be notified when records are ready to pick up or you may note on your request that you would like your records to be mailed)
  • Descargue el Formulario de Solicitud de Registros Médicos, llénelo completamente, fírmelo y envíelo por fax al 405-307-1360 (Se le notificará cuando los registros estén listos para recoger o puede anotar en su solicitud que desea que le envíen los registros por correo postal)

Porter Campus:
901 N. Porter Ave., Norman, OK 73071
Phone: 405-307-1366

For status checks contact us at 1-844-224-2465.